Thursday, August 14, 2008

Beijing 2008 Olympics Video Game Butt Shots Part II

Our "Ode to Olympic Video Game Butt Shots" continues today with more butt shot pictures from the official Beijing 2008 Olympic Video Game from Sega. Yesterday's post focused on the Diving and Gymnastics events. Today's post will look at the Track and Field events and the butt shots that come from the short track shorts.

This shot shows 2 butts in the short track shorts as the women prepare to perform some sort of track and / or field event.
The men also have to wear the short track sorts in the video game (just like in the real life Olympics.) Here are some men competing in a running event (possibly the 400m dash) and showing their butts in the process.
This Olympic runner stumbles on the hurdles, but gives a good butt shot in the process.
Over to the Field events, we have a few butt shots from the long jump competition. Here one of the contestants beginning her sprint to the pit.
Another contestant leaps into the long jump pit, while giving the line judge a good look at her bottom.
Over to the pole vault, we have another butt shot from the woman who has a good grip on the shaft.
Another competitor with a good shaft grip is this one below preparing for the javelin event. From the looks of her jersey, I'm going to say that she is British.
Another butt shot from the Javelin competition.
That pretty much wraps up our butt shots from the Official 2008 Beijing Olympics Video Game, but fear not, with the Olympic games continuing for several more days, we will have more Olympic video game butt shots from other video games to satisfy your cravings. Enjoy until tomorrow.

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