Friday, October 17, 2014

Return.... and Bayonetta 2 Butt Shots

We're Back! It's been a few months since we last posted about our decision to abandon this blog due to Blogger's deletion of our other blogs. But somehow, despite all odds (and contrary to our belief) this blog has somehow managed to avoid the Google Ban Hammer. So, like the Energizer Bunny, we will just keep going and going and continue to update it, until such time that Google does decide to delete it. In which case we will be prepared with a proper backup for easy re-entry.

First things first. for anyone that was a fan of our Video Game Chests Blog, we've recovered all the old posts prior to it's deletion, but have not yet re-posted them online. Its a tough decision to determine where to try to host the new site. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments.

And now, onto some great video game butt shots. Today's post features a relatively new heroine in the video game industry, who for her second outing, is looking to be exclusive to Nintendo's Wii U platform. Previously, she appeared on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Her new game is scheduled for release next week, so there's no better time to post some butt shots of Bayonetta than right now. Check out Bayonetta 2 in stores for the Wii U and check out some promotional images of Bayonetta below.


  1. I'm not sure if this is a common problem, but the redirect doesn't work for me. Help?

  2. There is a chance you're qualified to get a free PLAYSTATION 4.
