Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Post 300 - Mass Effect 2 Butt Shots

It's been a long time coming.. Post 300. It was September 24, 2011 when we posted our 200th post. Things have slowed down on this blog over the last few years as we focused on more mature themed blog posts. Originally we had designed this blog to be a family friendly place (as family friendly as you can be with content about video game backsides), but it was a few years ago when Google stopped our ad revenue, citing reasons of adult content, that we decided to start a new blog completely dedicated to video game nudity. We then made a switch in ad services to a more adult friendly provider (see the banner below). Recently, we decided to stop the adult content blog and have completely removed it from the internet.
But enough about that other blog, this post is about celebrating 300 great posts on this blog. This is the one that started it all for us. Check out some images below from Mass Effect 2 to celebrate the great butts in Video Games.

Miranda Lawson bends over her backside as Commander Shepard looks on.
 Kasumi Goto provides a side view of her rump in this wallpaper download.

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