Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Vindictus Butt Shots

Last year, we had a viewer send in some butt shot images from the game Vindictus. We've done a bit of research, and have been able to find some butt shot images of our own. And we present them for you today. Just as a refresher for those that don't know, Vindictus is a hack and slash MMORPG created by devcat, an internal studio of Korean publisher Nexon. The game takes place in a war-torn world, where Humans believe that if they can destroy the Fomors —monstrous humanoids— they will be brought by their black-winged goddess, Morrighan, into the land of Erinn and be enriched in paradise. Taking a look at some of the butt shots below, I think anywhere these women are would be considered paradise.

Evie puts on her football gear, ready to tackle anyone who tries to grab her buns.

A red and pink stripped booty.

Another red bra and panty combo.

This woman puts the face of her favorite teddy bear on her backside, so she will always be protected.

I couple of in game screenshots show the long legs, boots and buns of one of the characters.

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