Thursday, September 30, 2010

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Screaming Beauty Butt Shots

Today we feature the backside of the last member of the Beauty and the Beast Unit from Metal Gear Solid: Guns of the Patriots; Screaming Mantis. Screaming Mantis was the leader and psychological warfare specialist of the Beauty and the Beast Unit. Her beauty form is modeled after Scarlett Chorvat.

The elusive member of the B&B unit, Snake was only able to get one side butt picture of Screaming Mantis.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Ragin Beauty Butt Shots

Our coverage of the butts of the Beauty and Beast Unit from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots continues today with a look at Raging Raven and her Beauty form. The Beauty form is modeled after Yumi Kikuchi, who is a personal friend of Hideo Kojima. Raging Raven was the aerial attack and demolitions expert of the The Beauty and the Beast Unit.

Raging Beauty gives a profile pose, offering a glimpse of her backside
With less than a minute left on the timer, Snake tries to get some more shots of Raging Beauty's booty
Raging Beauty poses a booty-licious pose for Snake.
The glare coming from the skin tight clothes of Raging Beauty's round bottom is like staring at the sun... you just can't look away.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Laughing Beauty Butt Shots

Part 2 of our look at the Beauty and the Beast unit of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots features Laughing Octopus and her "Beauty" form which is based on the appearance of South African model Lyndall Jarvis.

Laughing Octopus was the stealth expert of The Beauty and the Beast Unit. She suffered from a severe case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder thanks to a traumatic event in her childhood. Like all the Members of the B&B unit, she is mentally unstable and prone to outbursts and mood swings. She was equipped with the most advanced OctoCamo suit available, along with a number of mechanical appendages that served a variety of purposes.

Snake takes out his camera to snap some shots of the Laughing Beauty's booty in her skin tight suit.
Laughing Beauty poses with some side cheek action.
Snake gets an up close picture of Laughing Beauty's shiny round butt.
You can almost see your reflection in the Beauty's tight booty.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Crying Beauty Buttshots

In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Solid Snake runs into a group of enemies called The Beauty and the Beast Unit. Also known as the B&B Corps, they were a group of female soldiers who were given special suits to turn them into incredible combatants, after each one suffered from intense Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by the horrors of war.

Underneath the special suits were four beautiful women. When their Beauty forms are advancing upon the player, not killing them for several minutes will result in transportation to an infinitely sized White Room, with a three minute timer. Equipping the camera will cause the Beauties to pose. If the player selects and de-selects the camera, they will change their pose. Equipping the iPod and playing "Oishii Two-han Seikatsu" will make them dance. When the timer expires, the Beauties collapse and die.

The in game beauty characters were modeled after real life women by Kojima Productions.

Over the next few days, we will feature some great butt shots of the Beauties from MGS4. Starting with Crying Wolf. Crying Wolf was the scout and sniper of The Beauty and the Beast Unit. Her speed as a quadruped and extremely tough shell made up the brute force of the unit. Wolf expresses extreme sorrow in battle through her eternal crying. Crying Wolf is modeled after swimsuit model Mieko Rye.

Snake equips his camera to snap some shots of the Crying Beauty. He better hurry only 2 and  half minutes left.
Crying Wolf poses in her skin-tight latex suit for Snake.

On all fours, Wolf hunts her prey

Wolf raises her rear to the sky.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Final Fight Revenge - Poison Butt Shot

Poison is a fictional character in the Final Fight and Street Fighter series of video games. Poison's first appearance in Final Fight featured her and a palette swap character named Roxy as recurring minor enemies for the player to fight. Named after the band by an unnamed female employee at Capcom, she was designed by Akira Yasuda to contrast against the bigger characters in the game and move about randomly. According to the book All About Capcom Head to Head Fighting Games, the characters were originally planned to be female, but were changed to male transvestites due to the suggestion that "hitting women was considered rude" in America and the concern that feminist groups would sue.

Poison stands ready to be searched, showing off her butt in her Daisy Duke shorts, in this screen shot from Final Fight Revenge.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brutal Legend Butt Shot

Brutal Legend features the character of Eddie Riggs, voiced by and modeled after Jack Black, a roadie who is transported to a fantasy world inspired by the artwork of heavy metal album covers. Eddie becomes the world's savior, leading the down-trodden humans against a range of supernatural overlords using a battle axe, his Flying V guitar that can tap into the magical powers of the world, and a customizable hot rod.

The game also features some rocking butts, as can be seen in the image below.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Halo: Reach - Catherine B320 Butt Shot

Thanks to another reader, Adam, for another butt shot of the female spartan character of Halo: Reach. Regrettably, we do not have an Xbox 360, and have not played a whole lot of the Halo series beyond the original Halo: Combat Evolved. As a result we have not been following up on the story and mythology of the Halo universe outside of what we get from, so we were not familiar with the female spartan character. Adam was kind enough to reference the butt shot as belonging to "Kat". A quick Google search later and we can now provide the following information about Kat, thanks to Halopedia:

"Lieutenant Commander Catherine-B320, commonly known as Kat, was a SPARTAN-III commando of the UNSC Naval Special Warfare Command, attached to Special Warfare Group Three. She fought with Noble Team as Noble Two during the Fall of Reach in 2552. "

Enjoy her booty below.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Halo: Reach - Female Spartan Butt Shot

Today we would like to give a great big "Thanks!" to our reader Tsai Lim for sending in today's butt shot. Tsai took some time out of playing Halo Reach to send us a great big Spartan sized butt shot of a female spartan character during a firefight match. Check out the UNSC approved booty below. If anyone else is spending time in Halo: Reach and wants to send us some butt shot pics, send them to the e-mail address noted above.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Halo 2 - Cortana Butt Shot

With the new Halo: Reach game being released yesterday for the Xbox 360, we thought we would pay a little bit of a tribute to the great Halo series of games by posting the butt shot below of the beautiful AI unit Cortana. You can check out our previous butt shots of Cortana from Halo here.

Halo works her digital booty as she gives some tactical advice to Master Chief.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Butt Shots

Blog reader Robert Schultz has submitted a butt shot to us from an upcoming new game called "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West". It is a great butt shot of a costume that can be downloaded by pre-ordering the game from Best Buy. The Sexy Robot Trip costume turns the lovely redhead into a robot/human hybrid, and doubles the game’s stun moves. Check out the cyborg booty below.
Since Robert sent us this screenshot, it reminded us that we already have collected a few other butt shots from this upcoming game. We may as well post all the pictures at the same time. Check out the other butt shots below.

The red haired female character shows off her enslaved backside in this artists concept drawing.

The female and male characters aren't shy about facing their rears to the camera.

A good old fashioned piggy back ride reveals some nice cheeky action
This tattooed guy readies to fire his cannon