Friday, September 5, 2008

Rumble Roses - Evil Rose Butt Shots

We've talked about the Rumble Roses game before on this blog, and today we are going to feature a few more butt shots from it. Today's butt shots are from the character known as Evil Rose. Evil Rose wears a red tight body spandex suit with a tail (like a devil). The spandex does a good job of showing off Ms. Rose's butt cheeks.

Here Evil Rose flashes her tail as she takes on Aigle in the ring.

Aigle gets Evil Rose in a head lock, forcing Evil Rose to moon the audience.

A closeup of Evil Rose's booty as she prepared to be attacked by the lady in the crazy mask.

Here Evil Rose decides she doesn't need any help on mooning the crowd.

Aigle gets Evil Rose ready for an atomic drop, and again flashes Evil Rose's butt for all to see.

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