Sunday, August 24, 2008

DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball Butt Shots

The Beijing 2008 Olympics Closing Ceremonies take place today in Beijing. So it is only fitting that we end our look at Olympic sport games butt shots, and our 5-day look at Beach Volleyball game butt shots with probably the most popular Beach Volleyball game in the world: Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball. We have featured pictures from this game on several posts already on this blog, but that is only because it is such a Booty-full game. Today we have some more bootylicious butt shots.

The teddy bear marks the butt shot.

A lot of the game is spent just lounging around the beach on not actually playing volleyball. Here is one of the ladies lounging in a flowered bikini. An actual beach volleyball action butt shot.
I made the comment yesterday that Shawnee's bikini was the best string bikini in any beach volleyball game. This one below comes in a close second.
While the game is called Xtreme Beach Volleyball, it does feature other sports, like trying to butt bump an opponent off of a floating platform, as shown below.
You can also park your video game girl's butt on a swing if you choose.
Some more volleyball action butt shots.
There's that flowered bikini again.
Another Butt-tastic booty shot.
Well, that wraps up our Olympic Sports coverage... for now. I'm sure there will be more Beach Volleyball butt shots in the future. As for what's coming up tomorrow... I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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