Monday, July 7, 2008

Foxy Tail Buttshots

Fox McCloud, from the Star Fox series of video games is a regular character in the Super Smash Bros games. It is from the Smash Bros game that Fox, and his nemesis Star Wolf show off these following Butt (and Tail) Shots.
Fox gives us a Sneak-a-peek at his butt cheeks underneath his bushy tail
Not to be outdone, Wolf reveals his own cheeks under his tail
Jealous of Fox's more defined glutes, Wolf prepares to attack


  1. Hey there. Love the site and I'm honoured you found the snapshots I took and have posted them up here. I would love to help you out with finding new screens to post. Hope to hear from you soon!

  2. Fox and Wolf surely have some gorgeous tails on their sexy butts :)

  3. those tails would surely make some nice trophies
